Washington Apple Pi

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The basic version of Access ///, along with its Interpreter version is available from WAP (Washington Apple Pi) for $1.50 (members price. $3.00 for non- members).

3.2 The Communications Manager

The Communications Manager (TCM) is the only commercial Apple /// data comm program supported by its vendor (ON THREE, check price) as of this writing. It comes as a program and as a The Desktop Manager (TDM) desk accessory. It offers DEC VT-52 (dumb ASCII terminal) emulation and the XModem error free file transfer protocol. It can transfer executable programs and graphics files.

TCM as a desk accessory can combine with Access /// interpreter for those who need the former's XModem protocol plus the latter's VT-100 emulation or script files. Ensure that TCM and Access /// have the same
communications parameters (the openapple-S setup menu). Invoke Access /// and use it for most data comm purposes. When you need XModem transfer, invoke the TCM desk accessory from within Access ///, and use TCM's XModem file transfer functions.

Consulting: Vendor Bob Consorti (72457,2401), Ed Gooding (70077,2327)

3.3 EasyTerm ///

EasyTerm /// is a basic data communications package. Its DEC VT-52 terminal emulation is the same as no terminal emulation. It is a dumb ASCII terminal. It can upload and download text files. Sun Remarketing sells it as Catalog Number 430-163 for $39. TCM is cheaper and better.

3.4 Kermit ///

Kermit (Yes, it was named after the frog) is another error-free file transfer protocol especially popular in academic circles. All Kermit programs are in the public domain, there are versions for a wide variety of computers, and not all Kermits have the same capabilities. This one can only transmit text files. It emulates no terminal. It can now set the Apple ///'s communications parameters from within the program, but it is still waiting for a good programmer to turn it into a full featured data comm program. If you need Kermit protocol, this is all the Apple /// world offers.

WAP sells Kermit /// to members as disk number 3TEL-04 for $1.50.

3.5 Terminall

Dave Ottalini, of Washington Apple Pi, got the manufacturer of Terminall to place its product in the public domain. It is available from WAP. It is a rather pedestrian terminal program that does offer DEC VT-100 terminal emulation. It doesn't offer enough VT-100 emulation to access a DEC or IBM mainframe

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Revised November 1, 1998 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/