WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: ThreeWorks DISK ID : 3SHR.01 Bootable? Not Bootable (3EZ Pieces or Appleworks required) Release 6.1.95 (c) 1995 David Ottalini 906 Robin Road Silver Spring, Md. 20901-1871 (301) 681-6136 Unique Bibliographies and Data Bases for the Apple /// Computer Introduction ThreeWorks is a unique resource designed specifically for users of the Apple /// computer. All the bibliographies and data bases were developed using /// EZ Pieces and all are in 3 EZP'S format. ThreeWorks is a "living" record of the Apple /// Community that is constantly being updated. You currently have the most up-to-date release version, having been "locked in" as of July 1,1995. Shareware ThreeWorks is a Shareware offering. When you buy these disks, the compiler asks that you send to him, at the address below, a $5.00 shareware fee. ThreeWorks Organization ThreeWorks comes on four double-sided disks. Here's a break-down of what's on disk 3SHR-01: /WORKS.DISK1 BIB.80.84 An Apple /// Bibliography of articles beginning in 1980 and ending in 1984. FATAL.CODES A list of fatal codes which the user may, on occasion find on his/her screen due to a program failure. Original information from Sun Remarketing. NON.FATAL.CODES A list of non-fatal codes which the user may, on occasion find on his/her screen and what it means to the operation of the user's program. Original information from Sun Remarketing. PEEK.POKE.CALL For the Basic programmer. A list of all known Peek, Poke and Call statements with Apple /// Business Basic translations where possible. Useful for those trying to convert AppleSoft Basic programs. REPRINTS How to order reprints of articles you find in ThreeWorks. THREE.WORKS The information file you are reading right now. /WORKS.DISK2 APPLE3.BIB.85 An Apple /// Bibliography of articles for the year 1985. A3.GLOSSARY A glossary of terms related to the Apple /// and many of it's programs. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Apple, Apple //c //e, //gs, ///, Lisa and Macintosh (in its various incarnations) are all trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. AppleWorks is a trademark of Claris Corporation. Of course all rights are reserved. /// EZ Pieces was a trademark of Haba/Arrays (and since they don't exist any more, who's trademark is it now??). It may still be sold by On Three. Check for current price.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: ThreeWorks DISK ID : 3SHR.02 Bootable? Not Bootable (3EZ Pieces or Appleworks required) Release 6.1.95 (c) 1995 David Ottalini 906 Robin Road Silver Spring, Md. 20901-1871 (301) 681-6136 Unique Bibliographies and Data Bases for the Apple /// Computer Introduction ThreeWorks is a unique resource designed specifically for users of the Apple /// computer. All the bibliographies and data bases were developed using /// EZ Pieces and all are in 3 EZP'S format. ThreeWorks is a "living" record of the Apple /// Community that is constantly being updated. You currently have the most up-to-date release version, having been "locked in" as of July 1,1995. Shareware ThreeWorks is a Shareware offering. When you buy these disks, the compiler asks that you send to him, at the address below, a $5.00 shareware fee. ThreeWorks Organization ThreeWorks comes on five double-sided disks. Here's a break-down of what's on disk III.SHR.02: /WORKS.DISK3 APPLE3.BIB.86 An Apple /// Bibliography of articles for the year 1986. A3.PGM.VERSIONS A list of many Apple /// programs and their latest version numbers. A3.REPAIRS A list of companies or individuals who can repair your Apple /// or its peripheral hardware. A3.CHIPS A list of the chips found inside your Apple ///, their respective location and sources of replacements. Original information from Ed Gooding's ///s Company BBS. /WORKS.DISK4 APPLE3.BIB.87 An Apple /// bibliography of Apple /// articles for the year 1987. APPLE3.BIB.88 An Apple /// bibliography of Apple /// articles for the year 1988. FILE.TYPES A list of the various file types used by the Apple // computer family. MON.COMMANDS A complete set of the Apple ///'s Monitor Commands. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Apple, Apple //c //e, //gs, ///, Lisa and Macintosh (in its various incarnations) are all trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. AppleWorks is a trademark of Claris Corporation. Of course all rights are reserved. /// EZ Pieces was a trademark of Haba/Arrays (and since they don't exist any more, who's trademark is it now??). It may still be sold by On Three. Check for current price.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: ThreeWorks DISK ID : 3SHR.03 Bootable? Not Bootable (3EZ Pieces or Appleworks required) Release 6.1.95 (c) 1995 David Ottalini 906 Robin Road Silver Spring, Md. 20901-1871 (301) 681-6136 Unique Bibliographies and Data Bases for the Apple /// Computer Introduction ThreeWorks is a unique resource designed specifically for users of the Apple /// computer. All the bibliographies and data bases were developed using /// EZ Pieces and all are in 3 EZP'S format. ThreeWorks is a "living" record of the Apple /// Community that is constantly being updated. You currently have the most up-to-date release version, having been "locked in" as of July 1,1995. Shareware ThreeWorks is a Shareware offering. When you buy these disks, the compiler asks that you send to him, at the address below, a $5.00 shareware fee. ThreeWorks Organization ThreeWorks comes on five double-sided disks. Here's a break-down of what's on disk 3SHR-03: /WORKS.DISK5 APPLE3.BIB.89 An Apple /// Bibliography of articles for the year 1989. APPLE3.BIB.90s An Apple /// Bibliography of articles for the years 1990 & 91. DL13.DB A data base listing the offerings on the DL (Data Library) 13 section of MAUG (Micro- networked Apple Users Group) on CompuServe. /WORKS.DISK6 PD.3SOFTWARE A list of all known public domain offerings by vendors and clubs around the nation. Includes prices and descriptions. * Note WAP PD listing is located on a separate disk: 3CAT.01&02 are in ASCII/Text; 3CAT04&05 are the 3EZP Version. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Apple, Apple //c //e, //gs, ///, Lisa and Macintosh (in its various incarnations) are all trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. AppleWorks is a trademark of Claris Corporation. Of course all rights are reserved. /// EZ Pieces was a trademark of Haba/Arrays (and since they don't exist any more, who's trademark is it now??). It may still be sold by On Three. Check for current price.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: ThreeWorks DISK ID : 3SHR.04 Bootable? Not Bootable (3EZ Pieces or Appleworks required) Release 6.1.95 (c) 1995 David Ottalini 906 Robin Road Silver Spring, Md. 20901-1871 (301) 681-6136 Unique Bibliographies and Data Bases for the Apple /// Computer Introduction ThreeWorks is a unique resource designed specifically for users of the Apple /// computer. All the bibliographies and data bases were developed using /// EZ Pieces and all are in 3 EZP'S format. ThreeWorks is a "living" record of the Apple /// Community that is constantly being updated. You currently have the most up-to-date release version, having been "locked in" as of July 1,1995. Shareware ThreeWorks is a Shareware offering. When you buy these disks, the compiler asks that you send to him, at the address below, a $5.00 shareware fee. ThreeWorks Organization ThreeWorks comes on five double-sided disks. Here's a break-down of what's on disk 3SHR-04: /WORKS.DISK7 APPLE3.BBS A listing of Apple /// Bulletin Boards around the nation. APPLE3.BOOKS A listing of books about the Apple /// or that mention the Apple /// either in a technical or historical setting. APPLE3.CABLES An Apple cable compatibility guide for the entire Apple family of computers, including stock and engineering numbers. APPLE3.CLUBS A current listing of organizations that are active Apple ///-specific clubs or have Apple /// SIGS (Special Interest Groups). APPLE3.CLUBS2 This file contains a list of groups that were Apple /// specific or had /// SIGs (Special Interest Groups). In many cases, the contact person may still have a /// and can provide support if you live in the area. APPLE3.CONSULTS A list of individuals once known as consultants for the Apple ///. The compiler makes no claims nor can he attest to the ability of those listed in this data base (except, that is, for himself!). Please call or write for information. APPLE3.DRIVERS A listing of all known Apple /// device drivers, their latest version numbers, size, etc. APPLE3.PUBLCTNS A list of publications dealing specifically with the Apple /// or that include articles about it. APPLE3.TIPS A listing of Apple /// tips from numerous newsletters and magazines. Brief description of tips provided in most cases. EZP.AW.VENDORS A listing of vendors who sell templates that can be used with 3EZ Pieces or AppleWorks. /WORKS.DISK8 APPLE3.VENDORS A list of all vendors who support or supported the Apple /// Computer. The compiler has checked some of them, but would recommend the user call or write a specific vendor in this list before sending any money for a particular product. BASIC.KEYS A complete listing of the Keywords used in Business Basic. Includes descriptions, examples and notes on each Keyword. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Apple, Apple //c //e, //gs, ///, Lisa and Macintosh (in its various incarnations) are all trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. AppleWorks is a trademark of Claris Corporation. Of course all rights are reserved. /// EZ Pieces was a trademark of Haba/Arrays (and since they don't exist any more, who's trademark is it now??). It may still be sold by On Three. Check for current price.
WAP /// SIG PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY PDS NAME: ThreeWorks DISK ID : 3SHR.05 Bootable? Not Bootable (3EZ Pieces or Appleworks required) Release 6.1.95 (c) 1995 David Ottalini 906 Robin Road Silver Spring, Md. 20901-1871 (301) 681-6136 Unique Bibliographies and Data Bases for the Apple /// Computer Introduction ThreeWorks is a unique resource designed specifically for users of the Apple /// computer. All the bibliographies and data bases were developed using /// EZ Pieces and all are in 3 EZP'S format. ThreeWorks is a "living" record of the Apple /// Community that is constantly being updated. You currently have the most up-to-date release version, having been "locked in" as of July 1,1995. Shareware ThreeWorks is a Shareware offering. When you buy these disks, the compiler asks that you send to him, at the address below, a $5.00 shareware fee. ThreeWorks Organization ThreeWorks comes on five double-sided disks. Here's a break-down of what's on disk 3SHR-05: (Open for expansion) /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// Apple, Apple //c //e, //gs, ///, Lisa and Macintosh (in its various incarnations) are all trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. AppleWorks is a trademark of Claris Corporation. Of course all rights are reserved. /// EZ Pieces was a trademark of Haba/Arrays (and since they don't exist any more, who's trademark is it now??). It may still be sold by On Three. Check for current price.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Grafixworks Disk 1 DISK ID : 3SHR-06 BOOTABLE? NOT Bootable GrafixWorks is a set of two double-sided disks that include a number of Apple /// Fotofiles you can use to help in designing, drawing and producing your own graphics. There are a number of templates, drawing aids and even a few examples to help you. TO USE GRAFIXWORKS YOU WILL NEED AN APPLE /// OR ///+ COMPUTER, DRAWING PROGRAM AND PRINTER. YOU MAY ALSO WISH TO HAVE ACCESS TO OTHER GRAPHICS AND FONTS. THIS IS A SHAREWARE PRODUCT. PLEASE FOLLOW DISK INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE THESE DISKS. THE FILES All of the Fotofiles on these disks were made using On Three's Graphics Manager. It allows you to do a tremendous amount of work with graphics and print them out easily and quickly. Used with On Three's Draw On ///, the PD program Sketchpad, or any other Apple /// or Apple // graphics program (up to Double HiRes), it is a powerful tool you can use for a number of projects. Here's what this disk contains: Side One EXPLANATION ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------- DOTS1 Square "dots" equally spaced; partial screen DOTS2 Dots equally spaced full screen GAME.BOX A Square with cross-hairs GRID A Grid NOTE.LINES Lines for notes TIC.TAC.TOE A giant Tic Tac Toe Template TIC.TAC.TOE2 A number of smaller Tic Tac Toe Templates on one screen Side 2 EXPLANATION ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------- BLANK.LABELS A template with six label boxes ready for your designs EXAMPLES LETTERHEAD.1 One example of a letterhead design using Graphics Manager LETTERHEAD.2 Variation on Letterhead.1 TCP.LABEL Example of a label design using Blank.Labels PAPER.TEMP First of three templates useful for design work PAPER.TEMP2 Second template useful for design work (with graph lines) PAPER.TEMP3 Third of three templates useful for design work TEMPLATE.BOX Adaptation of Paper.Temp for drawing/designing purposes Many of these designs were inspired by Broderbund's Printshop (tm) program for the Apple //. But the designs work just as well for you in /// mode. Use them for ideas, adapt them to your own use or use them as is. For example, the Tic.Tac.Toe file can be printed out full size to play the game. Or use Tic.Tac.Toe2 for a number of games on one page. Capture one tic tac toe square and copy it across the top or bottom of a page as part of a letterhead design or as a border. The Wicker borders can also be used in a number of ways. It's all up to your imagination! The GrafixWorks PaperTemplates can be used to help you with your graphics development. There's a Blank.Labels file you can load, place it into the Paper Template of Graphics Manager and then load graphics and fonts to develop a custom label you can capture and copy to each of the six boxes before printing them out.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: Grafixworks Disk 1 DISK ID : 3SHR-07 BOOTABLE? NOT Bootable GrafixWorks is a set of two double-sided disks that include a number of Apple /// Fotofiles you can use to help in designing, drawing and producing your own graphics. There are a number of templates, drawing aids and even a few examples to help you. TO USE GRAFIXWORKS YOU WILL NEED AN APPLE /// OR ///+ COMPUTER, DRAWING PROGRAM AND PRINTER. YOU MAY ALSO WISH TO HAVE ACCESS TO OTHER GRAPHICS AND FONTS. THIS IS A SHAREWARE PRODUCT. PLEASE FOLLOW DISK INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE THESE DISKS. THE FILES All of the Fotofiles on these disks were made using On Three's Graphics Manager. It allows you to do a tremendous amount of work with graphics and print them out easily and quickly. Used with On Three's Draw On ///, the PD program Sketchpad, or any other Apple /// or Apple // graphics program (up to Double HiRes), it is a powerful tool you can use for a number of projects. Here's what this disk contains: Side One EXPLANATION -------------- --------------------------------------------------------- THIN.LINE Thin Line Border DOUBLE.LINE Double Line Border THICK.LINE Thick Line Border WICKER A basic Wicker design WICKER2 Variation of Wicker WICKER3 Third variation of Wicker WICKER.BORDER Example of a border using Wicker WICKER.BORDER2 Second example of a border using Wicker Side Two DESCRIPTION -------------- -------------------------------------------------------- BARS.1 Bars - Various widths; Same Lengths BARS.2 Bars - Various widths; Same Heights BARS.3 Bars - Various widths; 1/2 length of Bars.1 BOXES.RECS Boxes and Rectangles CUBE A Cube Design CUBE.LH Example of using Cube Design to start a border/letterhead RECTANGLES.1 Rectangles - Thin Line RECTANGLES.2 Rectangles - Thick Line Many of these designs were inspired by Broderbund's Printshop (tm) program for the Apple //. But the designs work just as well for you in /// mode. Use them for ideas, adapt them to your own use or use them as is. The GrafixWorks PaperTemplates can be used to help you with your graphics development. There's a Blank.Labels file you can load, place it into the Paper Template of Graphics Manager and then load graphics and fonts to develop a custom label you can capture and copy to each of the six boxes before printing them out.
WAP /// SIG PD LIBRARY PDS NAME: DAR: DISK ARCHIVAL/RETRIEVAL Utility DISK ID : 3SHR-08 BOOTABLE? SIDE ONE November, 1993 ** SHAREWARE - SHAREWARE - SHAREWARE - SHAREWARE - SHAREWARE - SHAREWARE ** Bob Consorti has done it again! Here's the lowdown on his new SHAREWARE utility called "DAR": I spent my turkey day coding a new Apple /// utility. I wrote it to fill two specific purposes. First off the program is called DAR - short for Disk Archiver Retriever. It allows you to archive a disk and store the archive file on your hard disk. I'm big on functionality so I wrote it so it would also allow you to retrieve the archive and make a new floppy disk from the archive contents. The first purpose it fills is that you can now eliminate those bulky stacks of floppy disks and store backup/archive copies on your hard disk. Note that the program will not copy blocks that aren't used by the files on the disk so you will get compressed disk images, rather than 140K files. So for a disk with 30K of programs/whatever the size of the file will be about 32K. The extra space comes from overhead. The second and most important reason I wrote the darn thing is that until now there was no easy way of sending (by modem) a lot of files. You could use The Communications Manager's Binary II feature to send a batch of files at once but it's always a pain in the neck and doesn't handle sparse files. With DAR for the Apple /// you can now transmit any file and any 5.25" disk by archiving it and then sending just the one archived file. I think this will help out the die-hards still using the Apple /// and rather than making it a commercial program I'm releasing it as SHAREWARE with a $20 requested contribution to the "Help Bob Pay His Rent" fund. Send your $20.00 Shareware payment to: Bob Consorti 179-B Kent St. Brookline, MA. 02146 (617)-731-0662
Revised December 27, 1997 lic
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/a3/