Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

August 2023

Joe Kissell: Take Control of Your Digital Legacy

Saturday, August 26, 2023, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

You probably have a will, for your money and physical possessions. But what about your digital possessions-your online accounts, email, photos, documents, social media posts, etc.? In this presentation, based on his book, author Joe Kissell discusses the basics of digital estate planning, explaining why you need a digital will, a digital executor, and a solid strategy for making sure your data outlives you.

Check your email, or the TCS forum, for the Zoom link.

Joe Kissell is the publisher of Take Control Books, one of the largest, if not the largest, publisher of Macintosh, iOS, iPadOS, Apple Watch, Apple TV, iCloud, etc., books.

Click on image for a (much larger) view

Important! if you use the Zoom app (instead of a web browser), check in advance that you have version 5.15.10 or better. There are significant security issues with older versions.

Please complete our Pi attend form on Saturday - we'll do a drawing from the remote attendees on that form. Attendance Check-in link, https://wap.org/attend