Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

July 2023

Digital Storytelling on YouTube - no fancy hardware or software

Saturday, July 22, 2023, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Via Zoom and YouTube; check your email or the TCS forum for Zoom meeting information.

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of art, dating back to the earliest human civilizations. Digital storytelling on YouTube extends this tradition into the modern day. Did you know you can do engaging digital storytelling without using any video editing programs?

In this presentation by WAP member Phil Shapiro, learn how you can use free tools to create a tribute video similar to the one he created about his parents. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY76V--AitQ

Phil will show how he uses the free LibreOffice Draw program to create the simple graphics for this storytelling, how he uses the free Audacity sound recording/editing program to prepare the audio, and then the free Tunes to Tube web service to marry the still graphics with the recorded audio narration. https://www.tunestotube.com/

Every human being has stories within them that they yearn to tell the world. What is your story? What can the world learn from you? After you create one digital storytelling video, you will be emboldened to create a second, a third, and a fourth. These can be shared with friends, family, user group members -- and can be viewed in a hundred years by people not yet born.

Important! if you use the Zoom app (instead of a web browser), check in advance that you have version 5.15.3 or better. There are significant security issues with older versions.

Please complete our Pi attend form on Saturday - we'll do a drawing from the remote attendees on that form. Attendance Check-in link, https://wap.org/attend