Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

June 2023

Rob Pegoraro: Technology, Politics, and You

Saturday, June 17, 2023, 1 p.m-3 p.m. ⬅ Note time!

In-Person and virtual via Zoom

Via Zoom, and in person at Olli (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) at their GMU Fairfax venue, at this address:

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Tallwood, TA1
4210 Roberts Road
Fairfax, VA 22032-1028

We're delighted to have Rob Pegoraro back, for what's now a traditional June visit to the Pi! We're reprising our last year joint meeting at the Olli GMU Fairfax venue. So this is a jointly hosted meeting with the Pi, PATACS, APCUG at Olli.

Rob Pegoraro will be joining us in person for the first time since June 2022 to discuss how the TikTok debate shows how broken our digital-privacy debate has become, lessons learned from being an extended family's tech-support provider, and how the state of broadband has become significantly less awful. And, of course, to answer your own tech-support questions and unload a bagful of swag
from various tech events.


To meet the needs of PATACS and of Rob's, we'll meet at the Olli facility at 1 pm on Saturday. Starting will be a talk about Amateur Radio Ballooning at 1 pm, and sometime after 1:30 pm Rob Pegoraro will commence. As before, Rob will bring the conference swag he's collected over the last year, so you must come to the live meeting to participate in the swag claiming part of the meeting.

The Zoom meeting invitation will be posted on the Pi's conferencing system, the TCS, and sent out to members via Email.

Note that the Zoom meeting will start before 1 pm, Rob is the second speaker, so you may join at 1:30 to be sure not to miss him.

Also for remote attendees only, as this is the Olli Zoom account and not ours, individual Zoom chat is disabled, so participants can send Zoom chats only to hosts. And we will send the Zoom chat text around after the meeting, but participants won't be able to save Zoom.

Important! if you use the Zoom app (instead of a web browser), check in advance that you have version 5.14.7 or better. There are significant security issues with older versions.

Please complete our Pi attend form on Saturday - we'll do a drawing from the remote attendees on that form. Attendance Check-in link, https://wap.org/attend