Washington Apple Pi has once more embarked upon an epic journey of discovery with its fourth digital photo contest. The rules:
You must be a member in good standing with Washington Apple Pi.
Images must be taken with an Apple device (eg iPhone, iPad, iSight Camera, QuickTake 100 camera...).
Photos must be taken no earlier than May 30, 2015 and no later than October 3, 2015.
There are two levels: Novice and Advanced (self-selected).
All images must be entered at the same level.
There will be two categories:
Traditional - only minor editing (cropping, exposure and contrast adjustments, etc);
Unrestricted - you may manipulate the image to your heart’s content using any apps that you wish.
You may submit a total of two images, both in one category, or one in each of the two categories. Again, pick either Novice or Advanced for all of your images.
Photos must be submitted for consideration no later than October 10, 2015. All photos must be submitted electronically using this portal: