Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Notice of Proposed ByLaw Change

Pi Notice of Proposed ByLaw Change

At our January General Meeting, before an exciting session about curation of photos, we will ask the Pi membership to approve a small ByLaws amendment to improve our Pi operations.  This notice is posted in compliance with Article XV of the Bylaws (about publication of proposed Bylaw amendments).   

Our Bylaws have long provided for 15 Directors.  In recent years, we have had trouble filling these seats.  Most nonprofits like ours use a range of number of Directors in their bylaws to be able to more flexibly expand or contract the number to changed circumstances.  Accordingly, we propose to amend this bylaw provision as follows (where bold shows the area of change, brackets indicate omission and underline shows addition).

Article VII – Board of Directors

Section 1.  Powers

SECTION 2. COMPOSITION. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of 9-15 [15] Directors elected by the membership pursuant to Article IX hereof. An officer does not cease to be a Director if removed or replaced as an officer.