Washington Apple Pi

A Community of Apple iPad, iPhone and Mac Users

Virtual Tour

Standing Room Only

It may be a problem in the future, but it was still nice to see: the meeting was standing room only after the main program started. Fire and crowd control laws were overlooked in the rush to see what Apple had planned for Mac OS and Rhapsody, PowerBooks and iMac. The audience was an excellent cross-section of the Washington Metro region: home users, graphic artists, information systems managers, game players, programmers, cryptographers, politicians, students, reporters, video engineers, and those who were thinking about upgrading from their Mac Plus computers.

One retired naval officer said that he "used to mess around with boats," but age (and cost) diverted him to other pursuits, and now he "messed around with Macs." The meeting reinforced his belief that "messing around with Macs was the right choice."

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Washington Apple Pi audience

The auditorium was almost full early, during meeting preliminaries, and when the few empty seats vanished, a good crowd stood along the back wall. Combining the main floor, the balcony, those standing at the back and those who never made it out of the lobby, crowd estimates ranged from 600 to 800 people, a remarkable draw for early in the morning on a sunny Memorial Day weekend. No one asked for a refund on admission, which is good: admission was free.
Photo by Lawrence I. Charters

Revised May 25, 1998 Lawrence I. Charters
Washington Apple Pi
URL: http://www.wap.org/tours/